Other than that, vacation was good. Summer's ending. Good riddance kinda, I think. Except there's another couple of summery things left to do.
We saw a wonderful free local Shakespeare production with 3 of the kids. R&J done as manic, hormone-drenched all-nighter. There were several "interesting" adaptations that nevertheless worked really well. It's so rare to find theater productions that use novel ideas without turning them into gimmicks, or snarky self-referential distractions that submerge the wonder of the Bard. But this really worked. The urgent pacing, cross-gender casting ("Nurse" played by a stocky middle-aged man whom you very quickly "believed" in the role), and loose-cannon physicality of even the more traditionally passive roles (Juliet!) added a freshness I haven't seen in R&J in a while. It's so FUN to find great arts freebies!